Warzone and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 June 27 patch notes

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Screenshot of Warzone player carrying a gold gun with a statue covered in red paint in the background
Credit: Activision

The Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 June 27 patch notes are packed full of changes to Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and Warzone's battle royale offering. With Season 4 Reloaded on the way, Infinity Ward and Raven Software are continuing to adjust various elements of the game to ensure a smooth experience for everyone dropping into the action.

Patch notes that arrive during a season sometimes contain major changes to the games that result in potential changes to the meta.

Before we take a look at the June 27 patch notes for Warzone and MW2, check out our guides showcasing the best Warzone AR and the latest intel on the next Modern Warfare 2 double XP event.

Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 June 27 patch notes


  • Fixed an issue where the cursor defaults to the XP Token menu instead of Loadouts when pausing while in-match
  • Fixed an issue with Perk Packages being reset that prevented some Players from logging in
  • Fixed an issue where War Tracks preview audio would overlap when previewed in another vehicle
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to back out of Private Match Matchmaking before servers are available
  • Fixed an issue where Profile Account Level could display incorrectly on a fresh launch



Vondel | Resurgence

  • Ground Loot
    • Perk Packages added to ground loot and loot caches.
    • Increased number of Armor Plates found in ground loot.
    • Tempered Plate Carrier added to ground loot.
  • Contracts
    • Increased number of Contracts across the map

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Nova “Champion’s Quest” Titan 239 Operator Skin was displaying incorrectly in the front end
  • Fixed an issue where Players would receive XP when dying while the Most Wanted Contract was active
  • Fixed an issue where the Quick Fix Perk would remain permanently active in a match after the pre-match lobby ends
  • Fixed an issue preventing Players from leaving a match when their squad was eliminated
  • Fixed an issue where a broken animation is present in the exfil cutscene if a Throwing Knife was equipped when a match was won
  • Fixed an issue where the monetary value of items disappears after completing the Signals Intelligence contract in DMZ
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when trying to add a Weapon to an insured slot in DMZ

When is the next Warzone update?

At the time of writing, it's unclear when the next Warzone update will arrive. There's a chance Raven Software releases a smaller update ahead of Season 4 Reloaded which is expected to arrive on July 12.

When is the next Modern Warfare 2 update?


Depending on Infinity Ward's plans, the next Modern Warfare 2 update release remains a mystery. However, like Warzone, we expect one to appear before the mid-season update.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 June 27 patch notes. For more, take a look at our guides showcasing the best Warzone ranked play loadouts and the best Modern Warfare 2 SMG for close-range combat.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides , Call of Duty: Warzone 2 , and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 pages.