Dead by Daylight best Spirit build (July 2023)

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Image of the Spirit killing a survivor in Dead By Daylight.
June 30, 2023 - We have gone over our spirit build guide.

The best Dead By Daylight Spirit build guide will help you figure out how to play one of the most powerful killers in the game. Though she is an excellent choice for a new main, the Spirit can be a bit difficult to learn if you don't figure out her power.

If you know what to do, you can master her gameplay easily. This guide will help you become the best Spirit user in the game. Everything will be tackled here, including her best perks, add-ons, and tricks.

The Spirit perks in Dead by Daylight

The Spirit has three unique perks that can be unlocked for other killers via the Bloodweb.

Spirit Fury

After breaking 4/3/2 pallets, the entity will instantly break the pallet that stuns the Spirit.

Hex: Haunted Ground

Two hex totems will spawn on the trial grounds. When either of the hex totems is cleansed or blessed, all survivors will suffer from the exposed status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.


Every time a generator is completed, multiple effects apply. First, the Spirit's aura is revealed to the obsession for 5/4/3 seconds. Second, all survivor locations are revealed to you for three seconds.

Once the exit gates are powered, multiple effects also apply. The Spirit is granted the power to kill the obsession with her own hand. Second, the obsession suffers from a permanent exposed status effect.

What is the best The Spirit build in Dead by Daylight?

We would go with the following perks for the best possible Spirit build:

Hex: Ruin (The Hag perk)

Whenever a generator is not being repaired by a survivor, it will automatically and immediately regress its repair progress at 50/75/100% of its normal regression speed.

Discordance (The Legion perk)

Any generator that is being repaired by two or more survivors within a range of 64/96/128 meters will be revealed with a yellow aura.

Spirit Fury (The Spirit perk)

One token will apply after breaking 4/3/2 pallets. When the Spirit is stunned by a pallet, the Entity instantly breaks it.

Sloppy Butcher (General Killer perk)

Basic attacks now cause the haemorrhage and mangled status effects to survivors.

The Spirit powers in Dead by Daylight

The Spirit’s power is called Yamaoka’s Haunting. With this power, the Spirit is able to phase in and out of the Ethereal Plane and initiate a Phase Walk.

With Phase Walk, the Spirit is able to leave her physical body behind and have an increased movement speed. During this phase, she can still see scratch marks that survivors leave behind. If the survivor is injured, she can also hear grunts of pain. But the catch is, she cannot actually see the survivors.

She is capable of being stunned during her Phase Walk if she goes through a pallet where Survivors are near. Though it is largely guesswork on the survivor’s part on knowing where she is due to her non-directional phasing sound that Survivors are able to hear.

The Spirit also has a passive ability that lets her phase in and out of existence at random intervals. This only happens from a survivor’s perspective.

Best add-ons for the Spirit in Dead by Daylight

The Spirit is an incredibly powerful killer already and certain add-ons make her even harder to predict to the point it feels like everything is a guessing game. Here are just a few that will help you absolutely wipe the floor even with the trickiest survivors.

Mother-Daughter Ring

This tremendously increases the movement speed of Phase Walks by 40%, making it possible for you to zip through across the map in little to no time. However, it takes away your ability to see scratch marks. But if the survivor is Injured or you have Stridor, you’ll still be able to hear them breathing. Pair this with Father’s Glasses or another speed add-on, and you’ll be near unstoppable.

Prayer Beads Bracelet

An add-on that lets all survivors outside of the Spirit’s Terror Radius hear her phasing. This is absolutely terrifying when combined with perks that increase your Terror Radius and let you YOINK those Survivors off Generators. The only downside is that smart Survivors will quickly realize you’re using Prayer Beads and become more cautious.

Bloody Hair Brooch

Considerably increases the charge time of your Yamaoka Haunting power. Combine that with some very good movement speed add-ons and you’re going to be zooming around the map.


Father’s Glasses

An Iridescent add-on that lets the Spirit see survivor’s blood trails while using Yamaoka's Haunting. Pair this with other add-ons then there’s no way those Survivors are going to be able to get away with you.

Dead by Daylight the Spirit tips and tricks

  • Try pretending to phase out to trick survivors. The husk that the Spirit leaves behind emits a terror radius anyway, so survivors will have no clue whether you've phased or not if you try out this trick.
  • The Spirit works best when survivors are out in the open because she can quickly catch up to them. Push survivors out by blocking them off at jungle gyms, and the killer shock to force them to leave and give you a chance to catch up to them.
  • Yamaoka's Haunting is excellent for both chases and moving around the map.
  • Yamaoka's Haunting is best used once a survivor is hit and injured. The strength of this power is bolstered if you're using add-ons that let you see survivors' blood trails and reveal their audio cues, such as grunts of pain.

That's all you need to know about the best the Spirit builds in Dead by Daylight. Be sure to check back regularly to see how your build could be improved. In the meantime, check out the killers we wish to see in Dead by Daylight soon, or some games like DBD for when you need a break.

For even more, check out the Dead By Daylight Prime Gaming rewards for freebies, as well as the newest codes. On top of that, we've got a Doctor build guide if you want to learn that specific killer.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Dead by Daylight and Guides page.