How to Play Fortnite Stretched on NVIDIA GeForce Now

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Fortnite might just be the most popular free-to-play game ever and we imagine people won’t be disagreeing with that statement, given the number of licensed characters and events that this game has.

It’s the free shooter that’s constantly updated and is available on literally every major gaming device, from PS4 and PS5, to Xbox One and Xbox Series X, even Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, Fortnite is everywhere so it’s not surprising that it ended up in GeForce Now for Nvidia.

Read More: How to Mark Weapons of Different Rarity in Fortnite

How to Play Fortnite Stretched on NVIDIA GeForce Now

One of the more interesting features in GeForce Now is the ability to stretch out games like Fortnite on your PC, maximizing the screen size and letting you see more of it.

Doing this isn’t too hard, simply start streaming Fortnite on your GeForce Now, go to the settings on the right of your GeForce window, select Custom, and then choose to stretch out your game, though be sure to make sure it matches your computer’s screen.

Being able to see your game completely on a computer screen is nice and we’re sure a lot of GeForce Now players are happy to play Fortnite this way, allowing them to see more of the game.

Granted, it’s not the most graphically powerful game around, it’s on mobile phones and Nintendo Switch for Pete’s sake, but the option is there and we can’t hate that.


There are also more graphically impressive games on GeForce Now so even if you don’t like Fortnite, this option is pretty useful.

Fortnite is now available on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Android.

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