Prepare for Stability, PS5 System Update 21.02-04.50.00 Is Now Available

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It's PlayStation 5 system update day everyone, and you better be ready. Following a big firmware update back in October, Version 21.02-04.02.00 brought in significant features like internal M.2 SSDs support and 3D audio support for TV speakers. A stability update soon followed and now, we're onto a new one.

Calling this Version 21.02-04.05.00, it's a very slight bump from Version 21.02-04.03.00, which supposedly improved system performance. Available now at 914MB, what exactly does this latest update do? Brace yourselves, you'll have never seen this coming.

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Prepare for Stability, PS5 System Update 21.02-04.50.00 Is Now Available


Once again, all we've got for patch notes is that "this system software upgrade improves system performance." We can hear those sighs of relief, and how could there not be? Your PS5 has never been more stable, take comfort in that fact.

Sadly, there's still no signs of features like external SSD support, though we'd imagine that's being saved for a big update. Looking at Sony's update schedule so far, we'd expect another system update around January or February. We'll keep you informed when we learn more.

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