Dead By Daylight Nicolas Cage - Perks, release date, and more

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Nicolas Cage in Dead By Daylight

The Dead By Daylight Nicolas Cage reveal was a pretty special one, but with this comes tonnes of questions. Nobody could expect the Hollywood icon to land in the hit asymmetrical horror game, but now there's plenty to look forward to.

In this guide, we'll go over when we expect the Dead By Daylight Nicolas Cage release date to drop, and how we imagine his perks may look. Needless to say, he's going to be an exciting survivor!

When is the Dead by Daylight Nicolas Cage release date?

In the official trailer for Nicolas Cage, it was revealed that we would receive more information on July 5, 2023. Though some have speculated that this would be a surprise release date, the Twitter account specifically stated this is when we will get information. This means that this is likely not the release date.

This all being said, we can expect Nicolas Cage to launch in Dead By Daylight soon after this.

What are the Dead by Daylight Nicolas Cage perks?

As of right now, we don't know what Nicolas Cage's perks will be in Dead By Daylight. That being said, John Wang, a gameplay programmer at Behaviour Interactive tweeted positively about them, as you can see below.

It seems like he will have very meta perks, referencing his movies and playing around with the fabric of the game. Given it is Nicolas Cage himself and not one of his characters, we're expecting something extremely weird. We'll update you right here as soon as we find out more about them.

Now that you know all you can about Nicolas Cage in Dead By Daylight, there's still so much more to learn. If you're looking for more, here is the best Dead By Daylight Blight build, the best Dead By Daylight survivor builds, and the best Dead By Daylight killer perks ranked.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Dead by Daylight page.