Dead by Daylight codes (June 2023) - Meet Your Maker codes, free bloodpoints, and charms

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Image of the Dead By Daylight logo.
June 12, 2023: Tonnes of new codes have come in.

New Dead by Daylight codes come to the game frequently - celebrating big events or special milestones. If you're looking for some nice free goodies, check out the full list below.

Dead By Daylight is one of the most popular team horror games right now. Four players go head-to-head with a killer, and they have to fix generators to escape the map before being killed. And in case you're new to all this, we'll even list out a quick explainer on how to claim any DBD promo codes you haven't used.

New Dead By Daylight codes (June 2023)

  • Ticked - 125K Bloodpoints
  • FLAGB - Redeem for Bisexual Flag
  • ISFLAG - Redeem for Intersex Flag
  • FLAGP - Redeem for Pansexual Flag
  • FLAGT - Redeem for Transgender Flag
  • AFLAGG - Redeem for Agender Flag
  • GFLAGF - Redeem for Genderfluid Flag
  • NBFLAG - Redeem for Nonbinary Flag
  • GFLAGQ - Redeem for Genderqueer Flag
  • AFLAGS - Redeem for Asexual Flag
  • PARTYTRIX - 200 Iridescent Shards
  • LETSROLL - Mini Dwight Charm
  • CAWCAW - Feathers of Pride charm
  • PRIDE2022 - Two Pride Charms (doesn't expire)
  • Nice - 69 Bloodpoints (doesn't expire)
  • WARRIORPUPPERS - Puppers Charm (doesn't expire)

Up above, you'll see a neat and tidy table detailing all the working Dead by Daylight codes you can use right now to claim some free goodies. Act fast, though: Dead by Daylight codes tend to expire almost as soon as they're released.

Expired Dead By Daylight codes

Dead By Daylight Promo Code Reward
TIKTOK125k Bloodpoints
TRIXORTREATS100k Bloodpoints
RAINBOWRIFT10 Rift Fragments
LEGENDIRI100 Iridescent Shards
LOVEISLOVE200k Bloodpoints
TRAPPER7Trapper Charm
HappyGW2023500K Bloodpoints 500 Shards 5 Rift Fragments
SHOPPINGSPREE200k Bloodpoints
MASTERMAKERMeet Your Maker outfit part

Above we've listed all the codes which were previously available but have now expired. Don't bother trying to claim these codes as they're no longer available.

Bloodpoints in Dead by Daylight
click to enlarge

How do you enter Dead by Daylight codes?

To redeem codes, go to the store page. There you'll find a Redeem Code button. Click this button, and you'll get a pop-up, here you can enter the above codes. Doing so could reward you with Bloodpoints, Clothing or Auric Cells. Simple!


While you are trying to survive your time in Dead by Daylight, why not take a look at another one of our handy guides? You can learn how to level up fast in Dead by Daylight. Alternatively, if you're looking for help with another horror game, check out our guide that shows you how to use candles in Phasmaphobia. It's a different game, sure, but the similarities are there.

If you're looking for even more, check out our Dead By Daylight guides hub.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Dead by Daylight and Guides page.