Is Modern Warfare 3 cross platform?

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Screenshot of Modern Warfare 3 Ronin Operator holding Dual Kodachis melee weapon
Credit: Activision

Is Modern Warfare 3 cross-platform? That's one question that's bound to capture the attention of players looking for intel on Modern Warfare 3, the next instalment in the Call of Duty franchise.

If you’re wondering what is cross-platform and why is it important, then you should read this article, as we will explain this feature to you. You will need this knowledge if you plan to play with and against other members of the community on other platforms.

Before we take a closer look at Modern Warfare 3 cross-platform capabilities, take a look at our guide showcasing the latest Modern Warfare 3 leaks and rumours surrounding the new game.

Is Modern Warfare 3 cross-platform?

The character with a weapon in Modern Warfare 2
click to enlarge

Although Activision hasn't confirmed anything, there is a very high chance Modern Warfare 3 is cross-platform. The feature first appeared in 2019's Modern Warfare reboot and has since become a mainstay of the franchise. Here's all of the platforms you can play the game on once it releases:

  • PC
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • Xbox One

This list is quite huge and you can play Modern Warfare 3 on almost any major platform. The only exception is mobile devices which has COD Mobile packed full of content and fast-paced action they franchise is synonymous with.

What is cross-platform and why is it important in Modern Warfare 3?

Cross-platform is a feature that allows players to interact with others on a different platform. This means players on PC can battle it out against PlayStation players while Xbox users can face off against PC players.

When does Modern Warfare 3 launch?


Activision hasn't revealed information on the Modern Warfare 3 release date but if leaks are accurate, Modern Warfare 3 will launch on November 10. With several months until launch, we expect to hear more about Modern Warfare 3 cross-platform in the not-too-distant future.

This particular feature is very important for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. The game isn't far away and we'll update the guide as soon as any new information emerges.

In the meantime, take a look at our Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 pages for all the latest news, leaks, and guides.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 page.