Best XDefiant guns - Weapon tier list

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XDefiant player holding assault rifle
Credit: Ubisoft
June 20, 2023: The XDefiant open beta kicks off today and we've adjusted our XDefiant weapon tier list so you know the very best guns to use.

What are the best XDefiant guns to use throughout the open beta? That's a question on the minds of fans looking to see more of Ubisoft's free-to-play

XDefiant also contains an extensive weapon arsenal even though it's not fully released yet. This is an exciting prospect if you plan on looking to gain the upper hand over the opposition.

But, before we take a closer look at the best XDefiant guns to use, don't forget to check out our XDefiant page for a closer look at everything to do with Ubisoft's shooter.

What are the best XDefiant guns?

After spending plenty of time testing and tweaking each primary weapon, there are a few that stand out from the crowd thanks to their superior firepower and mobility.

For a good place to start, the best XDefiant guns to use are the M4A1, the ACR 6.8, and the MP7. There's a high chance this particular trio receive nerfs before the game is fully released but for the time being, you can't go wrong with these weapons in your loadout throughout the short open beta.

Screenshot showing XDefiant players holding guns
click to enlarge
Credit: Ubisoft

XDefiant weapon tier list

Considering some weapons in the XDefiant arsenal share similar characteristics, it's tricky to rank them. Despite this, we've managed to create an early tier list that ranks all primary weapons from best to worst. Check out our XDefiant weapon tier list below!

Tier Weapons
SM4A1 ACR 6.8 MP7 RPK-74
AVector .45 ACP AK-47 M16A4 TAC-50 SVD P90 M60
BAA-12 MP5A2 M44 MK 20 SSR Double Barrel M249 Double Barrel

When is XDefiant launching?

Although the XDefiant open beta is finally here, XDefiant has a release date of Summer 2023. Once an exact release date emerges, we'll update the guide with everything you need to know.


There's every possibility XDefiant launches in the next few months, just as the current Call of Duty cycle starts to dwindle. Does Activision finally have some kind of legitimate competition? Only time will tell.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the best XDefiant guns. Stay tuned for more news and guides surrounding the launch of Ubisoft's hotly-anticipated shooter.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides , XDefiant , and Shooter Games pages.